Monday, 29 February 2016

Iorek purred for the first time today.  He purred when he was lay on his back snoozing and I was tickling his toes and rubbing his paws.  I think they learned purring from the older foster cat that we have at the moment.
Enzo the Queen Kat left her cage for the first time today when Dad was sitting in her room on his phone.  She is a good mum and she would not have wanted to leave the cage if Dad was looking at her because she thinks he might steal her babies.

We tried putting the new cat's food bowl on her bed so that she doesn't have to move to eat.  Unfortunately this plan did not work as it went on her bed and then on her fur.  Now she will have to clean herself.

Sunday, 28 February 2016

The kittens seem to be settling to the fact that they have guests.  Lyra seems to be most affected.  She is a bit more hissy than normal, even though the other cat has stayed in its cage.  I hope she gets better.
Today, the still un-named cat had a little accident.  We took out her litter tray to clean out the wee-ed on litter.  And in that short time that she didn't have her litter tray, she decided to relieve herself of her 4 day old poop.  The worst thing was that she did it in the corner of her crate and attempted to cover it with her bed.  We have had to take out her towel and clean it.  Unfortunately I forgot to take a close up picture of this incident for you.
What's the worst place your cats have poo-ed in?

Saturday, 27 February 2016

Another cat came today and Lyra and Iorek don't seem to be too happy about that.  They were hissing and growling loudly and sulking in a corner.  I hope they aren't in a mood tomorrow, it would be a shame if they lost their tame-ity.
The kittens keep being pushed off their mother because Enzo loves being stroked and cuddled so much. Whenever we come in to the room she stands up and the poor kittens fall of her.
Today Trish the cat lady brought a new cat. She is a nursing queen with two kittens. The previous owners called her Enzo not realising that she is a female. The kittens are only two days old. She was originally from the Wales. We are going to find a name for a pair of cute kiddie cats.

Friday, 26 February 2016

Lyra purred for the first time today.  Unfortunately she only purred once, first thing in the morning, and hasn't purred again today.

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Lyra has learned an important lesson, a mistake that any cat or kitten will only make once.  She singed her whiskers on a candle flame.  I don't think she will do that again.

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

The kittens went for their booster vaccinations today.  I didn't go with them this time though.  I don't think the kittens dislike the carrier, which I think is rather strange.

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

The kittens are playing more and more now.  They are chasing a plastic mouse that rattles when it moves. I am not sure if they know it is me making the mouse move.

Monday, 22 February 2016

I am writing this diary in my book, and cutting these pictures with the kittens.  Can you spot the cammoflaged kitten on my lap?

Sunday, 21 February 2016

The kittens have started play fighting.  Lyra seems to be leading and sometimes it looks like Iorek would rather be left alone.  Lyra also keeps trying to eat a plant.

Saturday, 20 February 2016

Today Lyra and Iorek met my cousins.   wasn't there at the time but apparently they were very docile and friendly.  One of my cousins is scared of cats because his own cat, which they got when it was a kitten, was feral.  Apparently, Iorek also sneezed out snort all over their hands.

Iorek went to the vets again today.  Lyra didn't need to go though.  The vet mesured his tempricture and gave us some eyedrops and some more tablets.

Friday, 19 February 2016

We brought Lyra and Iorek downstairs for the first time today.  Lyra seemed to be more scared than Iorek who was walking around.

Thursday, 18 February 2016

We have run out of the kittens medicine which they have been having every morning and night before bed.

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

We have got a radiator seat from Argos.  It hangs on the radiator and creates a heated seat for these privaliged and lucky kittens.  Lyra is eating better now, but she still likes her food pouches mashed up.

The kittens are much better today.  Lyra in particular.  If you get her permission by showing her your hand, and she doesn't give off any negative feeling, she will let you pick her up without hissing or growling. We haven't been able to squeeze a purr out of her yet.

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

At the vets, Lyra's weight was measured also. We have deiced to weigh Lyra daily to see if she puts on the weight that she is supposed to from when we got her.  We tried to weigh Iorek as a control, but he wasn't having any of it.

Monday, 15 February 2016

It looks like Lyra and Iorek have switched places.  Like Lyra used to do, Iorek is sitting hunched in a ball with gooey eyes and breathing through his mouth.
Much unlike her former self, Lyra is sitting up, looking around and trying to play fight with Iorek.  She is activly playing alone and with toys.  Mum says we might take Iorek back to the vets next weekend.

Sunday, 14 February 2016

The kittens were rather mischevous today.  Iorek in particular.  He found my ear-phones and decided to play with them.  Unfortunately his teeth were too sharp for the rubber and cut them in half.

Saturday, 13 February 2016

Today we took the kittens to the vets.  We took them because we think that Lyra has a cat cold, and we were proved right.  The vet said that her temperature was up a bit.  She measured her temperature by sticking her device up her bum.  Mum said that was because cats won't hold a thermometer in their mouth and it won't measure in their ear.  This is probably common practice in the circle of veterinary surgeons.

They gave us some tablets for Iorek in order to stop him from catching it too, but I think it is too late.  Iorek has already this evening started getting a gummy eye and started snorting and sneezing.

Friday, 12 February 2016

Today the Feliway arrived in the post. It might just be my imagination but I think the kittens are slightly more docile.  Lyra seems not to hiss as much and Iorek still growls when he eats.

Thursday, 11 February 2016

When Mum looked on the computer she found out that you are not supposed to touch very scared kittens.  You are supposed to leave the kittens alone and you are only supposed to talk to them at first.

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Iorek and Lyra use the litter tray a lot.  Much more than the previous kitten.  Every evening they use it more than if we hadn't cleaned the last kitten's tray for 5 days. 
The kittens have also planted themselves in some strange places, one of which was my knitting bag.  I could hardly see Lyra because Iorek was taking up so much space.

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

The kittens are getting less scared, but only slightly.  Lyra doesn't hiss so much when you pick her up and Iorek hardly ever growls at me.  If someone looked at them they wouldn't know how scared they are, but when you get close you can see the fear in their eyes.

Monday, 8 February 2016

We found names for the kittens.  We have called the girl Lyra and the boy Iorek.  Dad joked about calling her Lyra and I liked it.  They are named after the female protagonist and indebted polar bear from Philip Pullman's acclaimed trilogey, "His Dark Materials"

Sunday, 7 February 2016

At 4 o' clock the new foster kittens arrived.  They are absolutely petrified.  They are a brother and a sister.  The brother seems less scared, but only slightly less than the sister.  They hiss at me if I put my hand in front of their face to stoke them.  The boy growls at me and puts his claws out if I try to pick him up, whereas the girl sits frozen in terror.

Rommel went to his new home today.  He was getting too adventurous not to get the full run of the house.  In the past week he has been voluntarily  making his way downstairs when we forgot to shut his door.   Fortunately he didn't run into Jemima on his forays out of his room.  He also really wants to get out into the great outdoors.  If he sensed a crack of fresh air from a window he is at it in a flash, trying to get as much of that clean air as possible.

Thursday, 4 February 2016

We have put up a stairgate in order to stop Rommel from escaping from my room so much.  We thought it had worked but unfortunately it hadn't.  We caught him making his great escape which consisted of simply waltzing through the bars.  It is surprising how small of a gap a kitten can squeeze through.

Monday, 1 February 2016

I have started knitting but Rommel doesn't agree with my new hobby.  Whenever I start knitting and Rommel is in the room he jumps on my lap and tries his best to shred my knitting.