Thursday 21 January 2016

This afternoon when we brought Rommel downstairs, he went for a bit of a walk. We forgot to fully shut the door of the room that we were in with him, and so after we had finished cuddling him and put him down to run around he went to sleep in the blanket basket. We looked away for a moment and when we looked back, he wasn't there. The first thing we did was make sure that all windows and doors that lead outside were shut. Then we looked under all the radiators and in soft place might like to sleep. Fortunately our cat was outside during this whole event. Eventually we found him in the small storage area under a small spare bed that was filled with unused blankets. We put him back in his cage. I think in future we will make sure that the door is closed properly. While writing this Rommel has been climbing on my lap and nudging my pen and making my writing untidy.

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